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Saturday, August 15, 2009

After Sturgis 2009 Day 2

Day 2 started out westbound on I-90 towards the Missouri River. As a note to SK, Budweiser has a new plant (distribution center?) east of Chamberlain, SD. At Chamberlain we headed north along the River. This route was approximately 100 mile detour from I-90, but if you find yourself on a motorcycle, then time shouldn't matter. This route is extremely scenic! We continued west into Pierre (Capital of SD) and Petersen's Harley-Davidson. As we left the dealership we were told to head north to the Oahe Dam, the world's 2nd largest plowed earth dam (used to be #1 until China built their's last year). We were forced to dirt roads on Hwy 34 west all the way to Pierre, some 40+ miles. Andrew got a taste of riding on gravel, grated roads, dirt and pee gravel during this jaunt. It really sucked! But an adventure none-the-less.

We talked to two different people today telling us about the hail storm that hit Sturgis Bike Week. One described the hail to be grapefruit sized the other baseball! A third party informed us that some of the bars in Sturgis kicked the customers out so that bikes could be brought in for protection. Gas tanks, speedometers and fenders sustained lots of damages. Good thing we decided to make the trek a week after the rally!
Once back on I-90 we continued to the Badlands. Before entering the Park, we stopped at the Conoco Service Station for some buffalo. We each had a buffalo hotdog for lunch! As always, it was very warm, no it was hot! A shout-out goes to John and Randy once again for wisdom of safe motorcycling taught to Andrew. If one has the will to ride safely and continues to practice by riding their "A" Game, then they should be able to handle whatever comes their way. I was concerned with Andrew's limited riding skills, however as the week went on, my concern was not warranted. His handling of the Badlands and later in Day 4 was much better than I anticipated!

South Dakota would not be complete without a stop in Wall and the famous Wall Drug. Again we found ourselves riding out of the Badlands towards Wall in freshly laid pee gravel! We arrived in Wall on the main drag again on freshly laid pee gravel! They informed us that the Highway Department waited until Sturgis Bike Week was over to start their maintenance work. Thanks guys! The water is always free at Wall Drug, too bad the ice cream isn't!

After Wall Drug we decided it was time to check into the Days Inn in Rapid City for the next four nights. This would be our home base where all our rides from here on out would originate from.

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